From Field to Frame: Lessons in Teamwork and Resilience

As the nation eagerly anticipates the Euros and the familiar chants of "it's coming home" echo, England's recent friendlies have provided a captivating look into a team of individually talented players learning to function as a cohesive unit on the world stage. Witnessing their journey, with all its highs and lows, serves as a stark reminder of the courage required to face failure, especially on such a public platform.

Now, let's explore the unexpected parallels between football and animation. Despite their surface differences, both share fundamental elements of teamwork, resilience, and the management of expectations. Football, often oversimplified as mere ball-kicking, resembles a strategic chess match. Each player assumes distinct roles, influenced by their strengths, weaknesses, and the team's formation. Similarly, in animation, a well-coordinated team navigates various challenges, from technical issues to creative differences, while passing files and ideas back and forth.

Motivation is crucial in both football and animation. At C&W, a key lesson from football is ensuring everyone understands what constitutes success and rallying the team around that goal. However, setbacks are inevitable, whether it's dealing with demanding clients or facing rejection after investing time and effort into a project. In these moments, I reflect on Saka's missed penalty during the Euros 2020 Final and admire the resilience to learn and bounce back. Similarly, setbacks in animation, like failed tenders or rejected ideas, demand resilience and a commitment to improvement.

Moreover, observing football managers navigate triumphs and challenges offers insights into leadership and team dynamics. It's the human moments, amidst pressure and expectations, that resonate with me and make the football world relatable. Celebrating success, as footballers do, with genuine emotion and camaraderie, is a powerful concept that companies could adopt to foster a culture of achievement and unity.

For those skeptical about the connections between football and animation, I recommend exploring "All or Nothing" on Amazon Prime, especially the Arsenal series, for a firsthand look into the inner workings of football clubs.

In conclusion, the lessons gleaned from football – teamwork, resilience, and learning from failure – are equally relevant in animation. Recognizing these parallels can enhance management and collaboration, ultimately elevating the creative process and delivering exceptional results.


A clip of an emotional team talk that should make any people manager think.

Just a little thought,



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