
Advertising with animation opens up limitless opportunities for brands. Our small team of experienced producers, storytellers and artists create unique, eye-catching animation for screen or interactive media. Having years of white-labelled advertising experience, we know how to work with agencies to achieve the best results for their clients.

Full Animation Pipeline
High Quality Visuals
Competitive Pricing

3D & Photo-Real

Within the discipline of 3D animation, there are so many styles to choose from. Whether cartoon, photo-real, hyper-real, faux stop-motion or 3D motion graphics, our fully disciplined 3D team can deliver any project big or small. From concept art to render, Carse & Waterman can provide you with a tailored approach for any project requiring 3D animation. We’ve delivered 3D animation to Michelin, McCann International, BBH, Passion Pictures, ITV, Sky One and Universal Pictures to name a few.

Animated Product Visualisation
3D Animation for Film, TV and Games
Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality applications

Health and Safety

Animation is the perfect way to keep staff safe. It ensures key messages are communicated clearly and concisely. Companies we’ve created health and safety animations for include Amec Foster Wheeler, Sibelco, Viridor, South West Water and Pennon. 


Animated Infographics

Animated infographics are simple and cost-effective. They use text and images to communicate complex ideas in an engaging way. Our team can mix 2D and 3D elements to create fun, visually exciting graphics for any topic, theme or style. Starting from £1,000 per minute, animated infographics are the most budget-friendly way to bring a message to life.

2D Digital Animation

Our 2D digital team are masters of creating fast turnaround animations for YouTube and social media, whilst also working on high-end content for TV and film. This includes development of our in-house children’s TV series Ghaunt the Grim Reaper, produced by Richard Turner and Terry Stone.

Visual Effects (VFX)

Carse & Waterman is an award-winning creative studio.  From title sequences to high-end visual effects, our team has collaborated with directors and producers across the complete filmmaking process. We enjoy working on indie films and TV shows providing innovative, creative and cost-effective solutions to support artistic visions, bringing new and exciting visuals to both the big and small screen.